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New Hampshire Genealogy

As one of the oldest settled regions in the United States, you will find a lot of history and documents for any New Hampshire genealogy projects. Official state documents will date mostly from 1909 but there are also going to be some collections of material from earlier than that. Some counties will have files from 1883 or even earlier.

New Hampshire Vital Records

Vital records include the birth, death and marriage registrations for the state. They are valuable in genealogy as they establish the basic dates and locations for key points in a person's life.

While helpful, these records are not completely free to access to the public. You will have to be an immediate family member in order to access recent files, but these restrictions do have a time limit. For births, the limit is 1909 and for deaths and marriages, the limit is 1959. So any records you want that are older than these dates is accessible by anyone (related or not).

To request a copy of one of these records, you will have to complete an application and submit it to the Vital Records office at the New Hampshire Department of State. Their website has the forms, and you can either mail the application to their office in Concord or drop it off in person. Mailed requests can take several weeks to get back to you.

There are search fees associated with each record as well, and these fees are not refunded so make sure you are providing them with as much accurate information to find your desired record. It will cost $15 for each record you order, and an extra $10 each if you need more than one copy (of the same record).

Getting vital records is important in New Hampshire genealogy, but there are other sources for documents if this has not helped.

New Hampshire State Archives

Also located in Concord, the State Archives has a huge collection of historical material that will be of interest to anyone looking into New Hampshire genealogy.

Available for public viewing are military records, land deeds, probate records, census records, photographs, naturalization papers, church records, old maps and directories, penitentiary files and more. There are many other ways to find information on your relatives than just vital records.

The facility is open Monday through Friday during the day, and it is free to visit. There are small charges for photocopies. If you can't get to Concord, the staff can do some look-ups for you if you provide enough information.

Join a Genealogy Group

Joining a New Hampshire genealogy group can help you discover private documents and resources that are not available anywhere else. There are two groups that deal with state-wide history: the New Hampshire Society of Genealogists and the New Hampshire Historical Society.

There are smaller groups for various regions within the state, though most are historical societies rather than groups dedicated solely to genealogy. They can still be very helpful in your search for more New Hampshire genealogy resources.

State Resources Sites 

  • A Guide to New Hampshire Genealogy
    Look ups, societies, publications available from societies and individuals, lost female ancestors queries, and related links for genealogy research in New Hampshire. 
  • New Hampshire Biographies - These brief biographical sketches of the delegates to the New Hampshire Constitutional Convention of 1918 are found in The Brown Book of the Constitutional Convention of 1918 



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