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Kansas Genealogy

Official vital records in Kansas date to 1911 though some counties maintain their own archives of older material that goes farther back to 1860. Of course, you aren't limited to vital records when studying Kansas genealogy. There are several other sources for historical information that you can utilize.

Kansas Vital Records

Vital records in Kansas are kept confidential regardless of the time passed, so you will have to be an immediate relation in order to get copies of birth or death records regardless of how old the records are. Marriage records are open to the public and can be ordered from the county district court where the marriage is registered as well as from the central Office of Vital Statistics like the other records.

To get copies of these Kansas genealogy records, you have to submit a form (and a fee) to the Office of Vital Statistics, which is part of the Department of Health and Environment. Their website has the forms, and you have to supply the names, dates and locations to accurately identify the record you are seeking.

There is a $15 fee to get copies of any vital records, and when sending through the mail you should enclose as a check or money order. Don't mail them cash. The fee should be made out to the "Kansas Vital Statistics". Going to the office in Topeka will get you while-you-wait service, and mailed applications usually take up to 2 weeks for return.

You can also order your vital record copies over the phone through the Vital Statistics office, but you have to pay by credit card (and there are extra fees for this service).

Other Sources for Kansas Genealogy Material

Since you can only get birth and death records if you are a direct relative, you may have to search elsewhere when researching more distant ancestors.

Your next stop will likely be the Kansas Historical Society. Though they collect all kinds of historical material, they do have a large collection specifically oriented to genealogy research. They have archived newspapers (great for birth announcements or obituaries), military records, census records, agricultural rolls, penitentiary records, old city directories and more. Their website offers several searchable databases so you can do some research before arriving.

To visit their research room, you can come to Topeka during regular business hours, every day except Monday (Sundays have shorter hours as well). There is a small admission fee, though members of the Kansas Historical Foundation can go at no cost.

Joining a historical or genealogy group is another source for Kansas genealogy documents, and sometimes unique documents that are not available anywhere else. There are groups associated with every county, as well as other regional groups (such as the North Central Kansas Genealogical Society or the Topeka Genealogical Society).

These groups not only have their own collections of material but sometimes just getting in touch with other people doing similar research can really help you get past any roadblocks you come too.

State Resources Sites  

Death Records and Obits

  • Index to Obituaries in Christlicher Bundesbote 1882-1947  This index includes only formal obituaries and death notices, not deaths reported in articles or community correspondence. Children aged 10 and under are not included.  Christlicher Bundesbote was the official German newspaper of the General Conference Mennonite Church from 1882 to 1947
  • Wichita Death Index 1897-1910
  • Wichita Eagle and Beacon  Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society has a number of scrapbooks in their library that contain obituaries cut from The Wichita Eagle and Beacon


  • Images of Kansas City  
  • The Kansas Heritage Archives  Devoted to digitally preserving Kansas' past, giving future generations the opportunity to learn about and from family and local history. Users can browse through information covering a wide variety of topics related to Kansas history and also receive information on how to contribute to the archive itself 
  • Orphan Trains of Kansas   Beginning in 1854, charitable institutions in New York City began sending orphans on trains to the west to find new families, feeling that the children would fare better out west than on the streets of New York. Orphan trains arrived in Kansas between 1867 and 1930, and some 5000-6000 children were placed in Kansas homes.....
  • William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas  First published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL  Online book.




Native American

  • History of The Wyandot Nation of Kansas  Contains extensive information about the Wyandot Nation
  • Potawatomi Web   Potawatomi Web containsPotawatomi history and language. Links to various Potawatomi Bands can be obtained at that site as well as snail-mail addresses. A muster roll and partial journal kept during the 1838 Removal from Indiana to Kansas are also onsite as are samples of Potawatomi beadwork and ribbonwork


Other Kansas Genealogy Resources

Kansas Maps

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